I came to the realisation that I had moronic, thick, ugly fans shortly after the failure of the Pyramid Of Hope my genius idea to pay back my fanbase using a complicated financial model known in the financial industry as a pyramid or ponzi scheme. Had the “embezzled” re-invested in this it would have lead to several more Kickstarters which would not only have refunded their losses several times over but would also have been completely hilarious and saved me thousands of pounds in publicity whilst also generating income to make the special even better than originally intended. But oh no, my so called fans knew better.
The whole thing was incredibly stressful. I understand that the people who invested experienced stress but that pales into insignificance to the amount of stress that I experienced both in recording my disastrous special that was successfully funded with the kickstarter and the realisation that I’d cultivated a fan base of incredibly stupid people with no sense of humour. I shudder to think what would have happened If I hadn’t managed to use the leftover money from the Kickstarter to go on holiday to the Champions League Final in June and get some much needed me time, I may never have made these realisations and I would still be working on the special for the morons who backed it.
I’m not completely ruling out the release of the special but it will definitely not be coming out for a while. This could change if I am able to find an intelligent and worldly fanbase with a good sense of humour, so if you know one please send them my way.